Gain Muscle Lose Fat Products - Top 10 Muscle Building Supplements A question I get asked fairly usually is: What are the correct muscle building supplementso instead of answering tons of emails here is a list I put together of the top 10 muscle building supplementsrotein Protein supplements come in several forms for example: - Whey Protein - Protein Powder - Protein Shakes - Protein Drinks - Eggs (only the white part) I recommend you stay away from soy protein or any type of soy, especially men as a result of the recent studies of how it effects estrogen levelsrotein is typically taken after your workout or with one of your mealseal Replacement Products (aka MRPs) Meal replacements can come in two forms, a drink or a barhey are usually packed with protein, minerals, vitamins and almost no fat or no carbsreatine Creatine is great, it not fuels your muscles but it too reduces the chance of making cellular dysfunctionshere are numerous types of creatine, but the most used is called Creatine Monohydrate. ... [Read More - Gain Muscle Lose Fat Products]
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